Sunday, April 26, 2009


Mother Daughter 5K (3.1Mile)

WHO: All mothers & daughters!!!!

WHAT: 5K Run/Walk Strollers welcome!
Individual participation or as a relay team of 3
each run/walking 1.03 miles.
(Official race numbers will be provided with watermelon
and orange slices for after the event!)

WHEN: May 9th 6:30 AM Registration
7AM Start

WHERE: Sienna Estates Community Park-
Between Main & Broadway
on 96th St. We will start at the park
run or walk down 96th St to Southern Ave
and back to the park. (3.1miles)

WHY: Physical Fitness is one of the 5 areas of self
reliance. So join us for this fun event while
becoming more physically self reliant!

▪ One water station will be provided at the ½ way turn
▪ Relay team exchanges will be marked.
▪ I will need about 6 volunteers who would like to be
involved but unable to participate. Please contact me!

If you know you can commit to the event and can register early or would like to volunteer you can email me at or leave a comment on my blog at until the night before the event!!! ☺☺☺


Tiffany said...

you KNOW i wish i could be there! i'd love it! have fun. what a fun idea!

Faie Solheim said...

You rock girl!! I read your whole blog today. I love to keep up on all these activities, and you even had a picture of me at Rocky Point church. I may be running with you in May. lv, Faie