So we headed out to the Superstitions about 4:45am after Betsy had to come wake me up because my alarm didn't go off (I know it was set right too!)This is the beautiful sunrise!
For you survivor fans I wanted to pull a COACH and get in with the Earth at the top. Oh and we did it on empty stomachs and no water. It was the REAL experience!! That is a joke for you non survivor fans.
Just a view from the top of the world...or Apache Junction.
The Flat Iron. You can go all the way to the peak but we just looked over the edge and cruized around the top.
Looking down on the hike. It does no justice. For those of you who have done Camelback it is like camleback x3. You just keep climbing for about 2 hours. It was tough but of course rewarding on the way down.
It took us about 2 hours to get to the top. We did end up off trail a few times and do some bush wacking. But it is a tough hike but mostly mental. Go get it done!